Man pages for survobj
Objects to Simulate Survival Times

censor_eventCensor of events
fx_h_timeFunctions to help in time conversion
is_single_numberConfirm is a single number
nhppGenerate random recurrent episodes under a non homogeneous...
renewalGenerate random recurrent episodes under a renewal Poisson...
s_exponentialFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Exponential distributions
s_factoryFactory of objects of class SURVIVAL
s_gompertzFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Gompertz distributions
s_loglogisticFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Log Logistic distributions
s_lognormalFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Log Normal distributions
s_piecewiseFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Piecewise Exponential...
SURVIVALFunctions for SURVIVAL objects
survobj-packagesurvobj: Objects to Simulate Survival Times
s_weibullFactory of SURVIVAL objects with Weibull distributions
survobj documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:14 p.m.