Man pages for survstan
Fitting Survival Regression Models via 'Stan'

aftregFitting Accelerated Failure Time Models
ahregFitting Accelerated Hazard Models
AIC.survstanAkaike information criterion
anova.survstananova method for survstan models
coef.survstanEstimated regression coefficients
confint.survstanConfidence intervals for the regression coefficients
cross_timeGeneric S3 method cross_time
cross_time-methodsComputes the crossing survival times
ehregFitting Extended Hazard Models
emmeans-survstan-helpersSupport Functions for 'emmeans'
estimatesParameters estimates of a survstan model
extractAIC.survstanExtract AIC from a Fitted Model
gastricGastric cancer data set
ggprenticeThe Generalized Gamma Distribution (Prentice's alternative...
ggresidualsGeneric S3 method ggresiduals
ggresiduals.survstanggresiduals method for survstan models
ggstacyThe Generalized Gamma Distribution (Stacy's original...
GompertzThe Gompertz Distribution
ipassIRESSA Pan-Asia Study (IPASS) data set
logLik.survstanExtract Log-Likelihood from a Fitted Model
model.matrix.survstanModel.matrix method for survstan models
phregFitting Proportional Hazards Models
poregFitting Proportional Odds Models
print.summary.survstanPrint the summary.survstan output
rank_modelsRank a collection of survstan models
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
residuals.survstanresiduals method for survstan models
seGeneric S3 method se
se.survstanEstimated standard errors
summary.survstanSummary for a survstan object
survfit.survstansurvfit method for survstan models
survstan-packageThe 'survstan' package.
tidy.survstanTidy a survstan object
vcov.survstanVariance-covariance matrix
ypregFitting Yang and Prentice Models
survstan documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:41 a.m.