Man pages for swaRm
Processing Collective Movement Data

ang_accAngular Acceleration
ang_speedAngular Speeds
chull_areaSurface Area of the Convex Hull
chull_perimeterPerimeter of the Convex Hull
dist2centroidDistances to the Centroid
dot-cartesian_perimeterPerimeter Of A Polygon In Cartesian Space
dot-ellipseBivariate Confidence Ellipse
is_chullPoints on Convex Hull
linear_accLinear Accelerations
linear_distLinear Distances
linear_speedLinear Speeds
nnNearest Neighbor
nndNearest Neihgbor Distance
nsdNet Squared Displacement
pdistPairwise Distance Matrix
pol_orderPolarization Order Parameter
rot_orderRotational Order Parameter
stretchStretching Direction
swaRm-packageAnalysis tools for collective animal movement data
swaRm documentation built on Jan. 11, 2023, 5:19 p.m.