Man pages for synr
Explore and Process Synesthesia Consistency Test Data

centroid_3d_sq_distCalculate sum of squared 3D point distances from centroid
create_graphemeCreate a grapheme instance
create_participantCreate a Participant instance.
create_participantgroupCreate a ParticipantGroup instance using long-format data
create_participantgroup_widedataCreate a ParticipantGroup instance
filter_graphemesFilter graphemes of a single participant
Grapheme-classA Reference Class for representing consistency test graphemes
Participant-classA Reference Class for representing consistency test...
ParticipantGroup-classA Reference Class for representing a group of consistency...
point_3d_varianceCalculate sample variance of 3D point distance from centroid
synr_exampledf_largeRaw consistency test data example, long format
synr_exampledf_long_smallRaw consistency test data example, long format (small)
synr_exampledf_wide_smallRaw consistency test data example, wide format (small)
synr-packagesynr: Explore and Process Synesthesia Consistency Test Data
total_within_cluster_varianceCalculate Total Within Cluster Variance of 3D points
validate_get_twcvCheck if color data are valid and get TWCV
synr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:25 p.m.