teal.data: Data Model for 'teal' Applications

Provides a 'teal_data' class as a unified data model for 'teal' applications focusing on reproducibility and relational data.

Package details

AuthorDawid Kaledkowski [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9533-457X>), Aleksander Chlebowski [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5018-6294>), Marcin Kosinski [aut], Andre Verissimo [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2212-339X>), Pawel Rucki [aut], Mahmoud Hallal [aut], Nikolas Burkoff [aut], Maciej Nasinski [aut], Konrad Pagacz [aut], Junlue Zhao [aut], Chendi Liao [rev], Dony Unardi [rev], F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG [cph, fnd]
MaintainerDawid Kaledkowski <dawid.kaledkowski@roche.com>
LicenseApache License 2.0
URL https://insightsengineering.github.io/teal.data/ https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal.data/
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the teal.data package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal.data documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.