Man pages for teal.transform
Functions for Extracting and Merging Data in the 'teal' Framework

add_no_selected_choicesAdd empty choice to choices selected
all_choicesBare constructor for 'all_choices' object
are_needed_keys_providedChecks whether the provided slices have the corresponding...
call_check_parse_varnameChecks 'varname' argument and convert to call
call_condition_choiceChoices condition call
call_condition_logical'logical' variable condition call
call_condition_range'numeric' range condition call
call_condition_range_date'Date' range condition call
call_condition_range_posixct'POSIXct' range condition call
call_extract_arrayGet call to subset and select array
call_extract_listCompose extract call with '$' operator
call_extract_matrixGet call to subset and select matrix
calls_combine_byCombine calls by operator
call_with_colonCreate a call using a function in a given namespace
check_data_extract_specCheck data extract specification
check_data_extract_spec_reactFunction to check data_extract_specs
check_data_merge_selectorsValidate data_extracts in merge_datasets
check_merge_functionCheck if the merge function is valid
check_no_multiple_selectionChecks that the 'extract_input' specification does not allow...
check_selectorCheck selector
check_selector_datanameCheck selector 'dataname' element
check_selector_filtersCheck selector filters element
check_selector_internal_idCheck selector internal_id element
check_selector_keysCheck selector keys element
check_selector_reshapeCheck selector reshape element
check_selector_selectCheck selector select element
choices_labeledSet "<choice>:<label>" type of names
choices_selectedChoices selected
compose_and_enable_validatorsFunction to compose 'validators' from...
cond_data_extract_single_uiCreates a panel that displays (with filter and column...
convert_teal_dataEnsures datasets is a list of reactive expression
data_extract_filter_srvHandles events emitted from the UI generated by...
data_extract_filter_uiReturns a 'shiny.tag' object with the UI for a 'filter_spec'...
data_extract_multiple_srvCreates a named list of 'data_extract_srv' output
data_extract_read_srvReturns a reactive list with values read from the inputs of...
data_extract_select_uiReturns a 'shiny.tag.list' object with the UI for a...
data_extract_single_srvThe server function for a single 'data_extract_spec' object
data_extract_single_uiReturns a 'shiny.tag' with the UI elements for a...
data_extract_specData extract input for 'teal' modules
data_extract_srvExtraction of the selector(s) details
data_extract_ui'teal' data extraction module user-interface
datanames_inputHelp text with available datasets input
extract_choices_labelsExtract labels from choices basing on attributes and names
filter_specData extract filter specification
filter_spec_internalData extract dynamic filter specification
format_data_extractFormatting data extracts
get_anl_relabel_callGets the relabel call
get_dataset_prefixed_col_namesReturns non-key column names from data
get_dplyr_callParses filter, select, rename and reshape call
get_dplyr_call_dataAggregates data extract selectors
get_dropped_filtersNames of filtered-out filters dropped from selection
get_extract_datanamesGets names of the datasets from a list of 'data_extract_spec'...
get_filter_callBuild a 'dplyr' filter call
get_initial_filter_valuesReturns the initial values for the 'vals' widget of a...
get_merge_callGet merge call from a list of selectors
get_merge_key_gridGets merge key pair list from keys list
get_merge_key_iGets keys needed for join call of two selectors
get_merge_key_pairGets keys vector from keys list
get_pivot_longer_colGet pivot longer columns
get_relabel_callCreate relabel call from named character
get_relabel_colsGet columns to relabel
get_rename_callReturns 'dplyr' rename call
get_reshape_callReturns 'dplyr' reshape call
get_reshape_unite_colGet unite columns
get_reshape_unite_valsGet unite columns values
get_select_callParse 'dplyr' select call
id_for_datasetGenerate id for dataset
include_css_filesInclude 'CSS' files from /inst/css/ package directory to...
is_single_datasetVerify uniform dataset source across data extract...
list_extract_specMake sure that the extract specification is in list format
merge_datasetsMerge the datasets on the keys
merge_expression_moduleMerge expression module
merge_expression_srvData merge module server
merge_selectorsMerge selectors when 'dataname', 'reshape', 'filters' and...
no_selected_as_NULLCheck select choices for no choice made
parse_merge_key_iParses merge keys
QueueR6 Class - A First-In-First-Out Abstract Data Type
rADAERandom adverse events
rADLBRandom lab analysis
rADRSRandom response
rADSLRandom patient listing
rADTTERandom time to event analysis dataset
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
resolveResolve delayed inputs by evaluating the code within the...
resolve_delayedResolve delayed inputs by evaluating the code within the...
resolve_delayed_exprResolve expression after delayed data are loaded
select_specColumn selection input specification
split_by_sepSplit by separator (matched exactly)
teal.transform-package'teal.transform': Functions for extracting and merging data...
validate_keys_sufficientValidates whether the provided keys are sufficient to merge...
value_choicesValue labeling and filtering based on variable relationship
variable_choicesVariable label extraction and custom selection from data
teal.transform documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.