Man pages for teal.widgets
'shiny' Widgets for 'teal' Applications

apply_plot_modificationsThis function checks the plot type and applies specific...
basic_table_argsBuilds a 'basic_table_args' object
button_click_observerCreates a 'shiny' observer handling button clicks.
clean_brushedPointsCleans and organizes output to account for NAs and remove...
draggable_bucketsDraggable Buckets
extract_choices_labelsExtract labels from choices basing on attributes and names
extract_raw_choicesExtract raw values from choices
format_contentFormats the content of the modal popup window.
get_bs_versionGet bootstrap current version
get_dt_rowsMaps the 'lengthMenu'selected value property of...
ggplot2_argsCreates 'ggplot2_args' object
include_css_filesInclude 'CSS' files from /inst/css/ package directory to...
nested_closeable_modalNested Closeable Modal Popup
optionalSelectInputWrapper for 'pickerInput'
optionalSliderInputif min or max are 'NA' then the slider widget will be hidden
optionalSliderInputValMinMaxFor 'teal' modules we parameterize an 'optionalSliderInput'...
panel_groupPanel group widget
panel_itemPanel widget
parse_basic_table_argsParses 'basic_table_args' object into the 'basic_table'...
parse_ggplot2_argsParse 'ggplot2_args' object into the 'ggplot2' expression
picker_optionsCreate 'choicesOpt' for 'pickerInput'
picker_options_contentOptional content for 'optionalSelectInput'
plot_suppressThis function opens a PDF graphics device using 'pdf' to...
plot_with_settingsPlot-with-settings module
print_plotPrint plot for download functionality
resolve_basic_table_argsResolves and reduces multiple 'basic_table_args' objects
resolve_ggplot2_argsResolving and reducing multiple 'ggplot2_args' objects
standard_layoutCreate a standard UI layout with output on the right and an...
table_with_settingstable_with_settings module
teal.widgets-package'teal.widgets': Custom widgets for 'teal' applications
variable_type_iconsGet icons to represent variable types in dataset
verbatim_popupA 'shiny' module that pops up verbatim text.
white_small_wellAdds Class Small Well and overflow-x property to HTML output...
teal.widgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:41 a.m.