Man pages for texter
An Easy Text and Sentiment Analysis Library

brexitThis is the first data to be included in my package
counterGet the number of times a vector of words occurs
dogeThis is the first data to be included in my package
nrcThis data was saved NRC word-emotion association lexicon
removeNumPunctEasily remove Punctuation from Text
removeURLA function to help you remove URLs from text
sentimentAnalyzerGet the overall weight of emotions conveyed in a corpus
stop_wordsSaved stop_word dataframe from tidytext
top_bigramsGet the top bigrams from text Get the top n bigrams from...
top_SentimentsGet the top 10 negative and positive words
top_wordsGet the top n words from vector of text
top_words_RetrieverGet the top words based on a key search word
usersExtract Usernames and tagged handles from tweets
texter documentation built on Sept. 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.