API for themetagenomics
Exploring Thematic Structure and Predicted Functionality of 16s rRNA Amplicon Data

Global functions
DAVID Man page
GEVERS Man page
check_for_splines Source code
check_seed Source code
cnn Man page Source code
create_modelframe Source code
create_multiclasses_table Source code
dense_rank Source code
download_ref Man page Source code
est Man page Source code
est.functions Man page Source code
est.hmc Man page Source code
est.ml Man page Source code
est.topics Man page Source code
est_functions Man page
est_topics Man page
est_topics_backend Man page Source code
expand_multiclass Source code
extract Man page Source code
extract.effects Man page Source code
extract_spline_info Source code
extract_stan_summary Man page Source code
find_topics Man page Source code
find_topics.themetadata Source code
format_gene_metadata Source code
format_gene_table Source code
format_to_docs Source code
jsd Source code
make_ppd_x Source code
norm10 Source code
normz Source code
picrust Man page Source code
picrust_otu Man page Source code
platform_sep Source code
ppd_weights Source code
predict.functions Man page
predict.topics Man page Source code
predict_functions Man page
predict_topics Man page
prepare_data Man page Source code
pretty_taxa_names Source code
print.effects Source code
print.functions Source code
print.topics Source code
rename_taxa_to_other Source code
resume Man page Source code
resume.effects Man page Source code
resume.stanfit Source code
rmvnorm Source code
s Man page Source code
sample_last Source code
stm_wrapper Man page Source code
sum_taxa_by_group Source code
t4f Man page Source code
vis Man page Source code
vis.binary Man page Source code
vis.continuous Man page Source code
vis.effects Man page Source code
vis.functions Man page Source code
vis.taxa Man page Source code
vis.topics Man page Source code
themetagenomics documentation built on May 1, 2020, 1:06 a.m.