Man pages for tidyAML
Automatic Machine Learning with 'tidymodels'

core_packagesFunctions to Install all Core Libraries
create_model_specGenerate Model Specification calls to 'parsnip'
create_splitsUtility Create Splits Object
create_workflow_setCreate a Workflow Set Object
extract_model_specExtract A Model Specification
extract_regression_residualsExtract Residuals from Fast Regression Models
extract_wflwExtract A Model Workflow
extract_wflw_fitExtract A Model Fitted Workflow
extract_wflw_predExtract A Model Workflow Predictions
fast_classificationGenerate Model Specification calls to 'parsnip'
fast_classification_parsnip_spec_tblUtility Classification call to 'parsnip'
fast_regressionGenerate Model Specification calls to 'parsnip'
fast_regression_parsnip_spec_tblUtility Regression call to 'parsnip'
full_internal_make_wflwFull Internal Workflow for Model and Recipe
get_modelGet a Model
install_depsFunctions to Install all Core Libraries
internal_make_fitted_wflwInternals Safely Make a Fitted Workflow from Model Spec...
internal_make_spec_tblInternals Make a Model Spec tibble
internal_make_wflwInternals Safely Make Workflow from Model Spec tibble
internal_make_wflw_gee_lin_regInternals Safely Make Workflow for GEE Linear Regression
internal_make_wflw_predictionsInternals Safely Make Predictions on a Fitted Workflow from...
internal_set_args_to_tuneInternals Make a Tunable Model Specification
load_depsFunctions to Install all Core Libraries
make_classification_base_tblInternals Make Base Classification Tibble
make_regression_base_tblInternals Make Base Regression Tibble
match_argsMatch function arguments
pipePipe operator
plot_regression_predictionsCreate ggplot2 plot of regression predictions
plot_regression_residualsCreate ggplot2 plot of regression residuals
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tidyAML documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:07 a.m.