Man pages for tidylog
Logging for 'dplyr' and 'tidyr' Functions

add_countWrapper around dplyr::add_count that prints information about...
add_tallyWrapper around dplyr::add_tally that prints information about...
anti_joinWrapper around dplyr::anti_join that prints information about...
countWrapper around dplyr::count that prints information about the...
distinctWrapper around dplyr::distinct that prints information about...
distinct_allWrapper around dplyr::distinct_all that prints information...
distinct_atWrapper around dplyr::distinct_at that prints information...
distinct_ifWrapper around dplyr::distinct_if that prints information...
drop_naWrapper around tidyr::drop_na that prints information about...
fillWrapper around tidyr::fill that prints information about the...
filterWrapper around dplyr::filter that prints information about...
filter_allWrapper around dplyr::filter_all that prints information...
filter_atWrapper around dplyr::filter_at that prints information about...
filter_ifWrapper around dplyr::filter_if that prints information about...
full_joinWrapper around dplyr::full_join that prints information about...
gatherWrapper around tidyr::gather that prints information about...
group_byWrapper around dplyr::group_by that prints information about...
group_by_allWrapper around dplyr::group_by_all that prints information...
group_by_atWrapper around dplyr::group_by_at that prints information...
group_by_ifWrapper around dplyr::group_by_if that prints information...
inner_joinWrapper around dplyr::inner_join that prints information...
left_joinWrapper around dplyr::left_join that prints information about...
mutateWrapper around dplyr::mutate that prints information about...
mutate_allWrapper around dplyr::mutate_all that prints information...
mutate_atWrapper around dplyr::mutate_at that prints information about...
mutate_ifWrapper around dplyr::mutate_if that prints information about...
pivot_longerWrapper around tidyr::pivot_longer that prints information...
pivot_widerWrapper around tidyr::pivot_wider that prints information...
relocateWrapper around dplyr::relocate that prints information about...
renameWrapper around dplyr::rename that prints information about...
rename_allWrapper around dplyr::rename_all that prints information...
rename_atWrapper around dplyr::rename_at that prints information about...
rename_ifWrapper around dplyr::rename_if that prints information about...
rename_withWrapper around dplyr::rename_with that prints information...
replace_naWrapper around tidyr::replace_na that prints information...
right_joinWrapper around dplyr::right_join that prints information...
sample_fracWrapper around dplyr::sample_frac that prints information...
sample_nWrapper around dplyr::sample_n that prints information about...
selectWrapper around dplyr::select that prints information about...
select_allWrapper around dplyr::select_all that prints information...
select_atWrapper around dplyr::select_at that prints information about...
select_ifWrapper around dplyr::select_if that prints information about...
semi_joinWrapper around dplyr::semi_join that prints information about...
separate_wider_delimWrapper around tidyr::separate_wider_delim that prints...
separate_wider_positionWrapper around tidyr::separate_wider_position that prints...
separate_wider_regexWrapper around tidyr::separate_wider_regex that prints...
sliceWrapper around dplyr::slice that prints information about the...
slice_headWrapper around dplyr::slice_head that prints information...
slice_maxWrapper around dplyr::slice_max that prints information about...
slice_minWrapper around dplyr::slice_min that prints information about...
slice_sampleWrapper around dplyr::slice_sample that prints information...
slice_tailWrapper around dplyr::slice_tail that prints information...
spreadWrapper around tidyr::spread that prints information about...
summariseWrapper around dplyr::summarise that prints information about...
summarise_allWrapper around dplyr::summarise_all that prints information...
summarise_atWrapper around dplyr::summarise_at that prints information...
summarise_ifWrapper around dplyr::summarise_if that prints information...
summarizeWrapper around dplyr::summarize that prints information about...
summarize_allWrapper around dplyr::summarize_all that prints information...
summarize_atWrapper around dplyr::summarize_at that prints information...
summarize_ifWrapper around dplyr::summarize_if that prints information...
tallyWrapper around dplyr::tally that prints information about the...
tidylogoutputs some information about the data frame/tbl
top_fracWrapper around dplyr::top_frac that prints information about...
top_nWrapper around dplyr::top_n that prints information about the...
transmuteWrapper around dplyr::transmute that prints information about...
transmute_allWrapper around dplyr::transmute_all that prints information...
transmute_atWrapper around dplyr::transmute_at that prints information...
transmute_ifWrapper around dplyr::transmute_if that prints information...
uncountWrapper around tidyr::uncount that prints information about...
ungroupWrapper around dplyr::ungroup that prints information about...
tidylog documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.