Man pages for tidyrules
Utilities to Retrieve Rulelists from Model Fits, Filter, Prune, Reorder and Predict on Unseen Data

addBackquotesAdd backquotes
as_rulelistas_rulelist generic from tidyrules package method for a data.frame
as_rulesetGet a ruleset from a rulelist
augment'augment' is re-export of generics::augment from tidyrules...
augment_class_keysas the name says
augment_class_no_keysas the name says
augment_regr_keysas the name says
augment_regr_no_keysas the name says
augment.rulelistAugment a rulelist
calculate'calculate' is re-export of generics::calculate from...
calculate.rulelist'calculate' metrics for a rulelist
convert_rule_flavorConvert a R parsable rule to python/sql parsable rule
plot.prune_rulelistPlot method for 'prune_rulelist' class
plot.rulelistPlot method for rulelist
positionSpaceOutsideSinglequotesPosition of space outside single quotes
predict_all_nokeys_rulelistas the name says
predict_all_rulelistwith or without keys
predict_nokeys_rulelistas the name says
predict_rulelistwith or without keys
predict.rulelist'predict' method for a rulelist
predict.ruleset'predict' method for a ruleset
print.prune_rulelistPrint method for 'prune_rulelist' class
print.rulelistPrint method for rulelist class
print.rulesetPrint method for ruleset class
prune'prune' is re-export of generics::prune from tidyrules...
prune.rulelist'prune' rules of a rulelist
removeEmptyLinesRemove empty lines
reorderreorder generic
reorder.rulelistReorder the rules/rows of a rulelist
set_keysSet keys for a rulelist
set_validation_dataAdd 'validation_data' to a rulelist
strHeadVectorized semantic equivalent of 'head' for a string
strReplaceReduceSequential string replace
strSplitSingleString split a string
strTailVectorized semantic equivalent of tail for a string
tidy'tidy' is re-export of generics::tidy from tidyrules package
tidy.C5.0Get the rulelist from a C5 model
tidy.constpartyGet the rulelist from a party model
tidy.cubistGet the rulelist from a cubist model
tidy.rpartGet the rulelist from a rpart model
to_sql_caseExtract SQL case statement from a rulelist
varSpecGet variable specification for a Cubist/C5 object
tidyrules documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.