torchopt: Advanced Optimizers for Torch

Optimizers for 'torch' deep learning library. These functions include recent results published in the literature and are not part of the optimizers offered in 'torch'. Prospective users should test these optimizers with their data, since performance depends on the specific problem being solved. The packages includes the following optimizers: (a) 'adabelief' by Zhuang et al (2020), <arXiv:2010.07468>; (b) 'adabound' by Luo et al.(2019), <arXiv:1902.09843>; (c) 'adahessian' by Yao et al.(2021) <arXiv:2006.00719>; (d) 'adamw' by Loshchilov & Hutter (2019), <arXiv:1711.05101>; (e) 'madgrad' by Defazio and Jelassi (2021), <arXiv:2101.11075>; (f) 'nadam' by Dozat (2019), <>; (g) 'qhadam' by Ma and Yarats(2019), <arXiv:1810.06801>; (h) 'radam' by Liu et al. (2019), <arXiv:1908.03265>; (i) 'swats' by Shekar and Sochee (2018), <arXiv:1712.07628>; (j) 'yogi' by Zaheer et al.(2019), <>.

Package details

AuthorGilberto Camara [aut, cre], Rolf Simoes [aut], Daniel Falbel [aut], Felipe Souza [aut]
MaintainerGilberto Camara <>
LicenseApache License (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the torchopt package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

torchopt documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:10 p.m.