Man pages for tower
Easy Middle Ware Library for 'shiny'

add_bodyAdd a body to a response
add_body_jsonAdd a body to a response as JSON
add_cookieAdd a cookie to a response
add_delete_routeAdd a DELETE route
add_get_routeAdd a GET route
add_http_layerAdd an HTTP layer to a tower
add_patch_routeAdd a PATCH route
add_post_routeAdd a POST route
add_put_routeAdd a PUT route
add_routeAdd an HTTP layer to a tower
add_server_layerAdd a server layer to a tower
app_into_partsInto parts
build_http_cookieBuild a cookie
build_responseBuild a response
build_towerBuild a 'shiny' app from a tower
create_towerCreate a new tower
parse_cookiesParse cookies
print.towerPrint a tower
req_body_formExtract form data from a request
req_body_jsonExtract the request body from a JSON request
req_cookiesExtract cookies from a request
req_queryExtract query parameters from a request
response_builderCreate a response builder
set_content_typeSet the content type of a response
set_headerSet a header on a response
set_statusSet the status of a response
tower documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:28 a.m.