Man pages for trajeR
Group Based Modeling Trajectory

adequacyAdequacy of the model
AvePPAverage Posterior Probability
ConfIntTConfidence interval
faitFunction fait
GroupProbMembership's probabilities
GroupProfilesProfiles of each group
OCCOdds of Correct Classification
plotrajeRplot trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.BETAplot BETA trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.CNORMplot CNORM trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.LOGITplot LOGIT trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.NLplot Non Linear trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.POISplot POIS trajectory
plotrajeR.Trajectory.ZIPplot ZIP trajectory
print.Trajectory.BETAPrint BETA
print.Trajectory.CNORMPrint CNORM
print.Trajectory.LOGITPrint LOGIT
print.Trajectory.NLprint NL trajectory
print.Trajectory.POISPrint POIS
print.Trajectory.ZIPPrint ZIP
propAssignAssignment proportion
trajeRFitting longitudinal mixture models
trajeRAICAIC function to an trajectory object
trajeR.BETAInternal function to fit Beta regression
trajeRBICBIC function to an trajectory object
trajeR.CNORMInternal function to fit CNORM Model
trajeR.LOGITInternal function to fit LOGIT Model
trajeR.NLInternal function to fit Non Linear Model
trajeR.POISInternal function to fit poisson Model
trajeRSHSH function to an trajectory object
trajeR.ZIPInternal function to fit ZIP Model
trajeR documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:12 p.m.