Man pages for tvmediation
Time Varying Mediation Analysis

bootci_coeff_2trtBootstrap function for computing CIs for coefficients for a...
bootci_coeff_3trtBootstrap samples to estimate confidence intervals for...
bootci_coeff_binaryBootstrap samples to estimate confidence intervals for binary...
bootci_tvm_3trtBootstrap samples to estimate confidence intervals for...
bootci_tvmbBootstrap samples to estimate confidence intervals for the...
coeffFunction to estimate coefficients at time t
estBootCIsBootstrapping samples to estimate mediation effects...
estCoeffFunction to estimate coefficients at time t.
LongToWideFunction to transpose the data from long to wide format
newMediatorOutcomeFunction to compute new Mediator and Outcome using time t and...
smokerWisconsin Smokers' Health Study 2
smoothestFunction to compute local polynomial estimation using rule of...
tvmaTime Varying Mediation Function: Continuous Outcome and Two...
tvma_3trtTime Varying Mediation Function: Continuous Outcome and Three...
tvmbTime Varying Mediation Function: Binary Outcome and Two...
tvmcurve_3trtMain function for time varying mediation function for...
tvmediation documentation built on May 25, 2022, 9:05 a.m.