Man pages for twoway
Analysis of Two-Way Tables

anova.twowayANOVA summary for a two-way table, including Tukey Additivity...
ArizonaMean monthly temperatures in Arizona a twoway object to a data frame This function...
as.twowayCreate an initial twoway object representing the data before...
drugsScores for 5 subjects after being given each of 4 drugs
hstartNumber of U.S. housing starts by month for the years 1965 -...
insectCountsCounts of an insect for the combinations of 4 treatments and...
ladder_powerFind the nearest ladder-of-powers representation of a power...
meanfitFit a two-way table using row and column means
medianfitFit a two-way table using median polish
plot.twowayPlot methods for two-way tables
print.twowayPrint method for two-way tables
residualsExtract residuals from a twoway object
sentRTReaction times for T/F judgments
taskRTData on reaction times for various tasks and topics
to_longReshape a data.frame or matrix to a long data.frame
twowayAnalysis of a two-way table with one observation per cell
twoway.formulaFormula method for twoway analysis using a dataset in long...
twoway documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:37 p.m.