Man pages for uroot
Unit Root Tests for Seasonal Time Series

bgt-dataBGT-data Sample Data Set
ch-dataCH-data Sample Data Set
ch-rs-pvalueP-values for the CH test statistic
ch-testCanova and Hansen Test for Seasonal Stability
hegy-boot-pvalBootstrapped P-Values for the HEGY Test Statistics
hegy-rs-pvalueP-values based on response surface regressions for the HEGY...
hegy-testHylleberg, Engle, Granger and Yoo Test for Seasonal Unit...
seasonal-dummies-cyclesSeasonal Dummies and Seasonal Cycles
uroot-packageUnit Root Tests for Seasonal Time Series
uroot-raw-pvaluesOriginal Tables of Critical Values
uroot documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:11 a.m.