API for usdata
Data on the States and Counties of the United States

Global functions
abbr2state Man page Source code
airline_delay Man page
county Man page
county_2019 Man page
county_complete Man page
fatal_police_shootings Man page
gerrymander Man page
govrace10 Man page
houserace10 Man page
pierce_county_house_sales Man page
pop_age_2019 Man page
pop_race_2019 Man page
prez_pwr Man page
prrace08 Man page
senaterace10 Man page
state2abbr Man page Source code
state_stats Man page
urban.owner Man page
urban_owner Man page
urban_rural_pop Man page
us_crime_rates Man page
us_temp Man page
us_time_survey Man page
usdata Man page
usdata-package Man page
vote_nsa Man page
voter_count Man page
usdata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:57 a.m.