Man pages for usdata
Data on the States and Counties of the United States

abbr2stateConvert state abbreviations to names
airline_delayAirline Delays for December 2019 and 2020.
countyUnited States Counties
county_2019American Community Survey 2019
county_completeUnited States Counties
fatal_police_shootingsFatal Police Shootings data.
govrace10Election results for 2010 Governor races in the U.S.
houserace10Election results for the 2010 U.S. House of Represenatives...
pierce_county_house_salesPierce County House Sales Data for 2020
pop_age_2019Population Age 2019 Data.
pop_race_2019Population Race 2019 Data.
prez_pwrPresidential Power.
prrace08Election results for the 2008 U.S. Presidential race
senaterace10Election results for the 2010 U.S. Senate races
state2abbrConvert state names to abbreviations
state_statsState-level data
urban_ownerSummary of many state-level variables
urban_rural_popState summary info
us_crime_ratesUS Crime Rates
usdata-packageusdata: Data on the States and Counties of the United States
us_tempUS Temperature Data
us_time_surveyAmerican Time Survey 2009 - 2019
vote_nsaPredicting who would vote for NSA Mass Surveillance
voter_countUS Voter Turnout Data.
usdata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:57 a.m.