Man pages for usincometaxes
Calculate Federal and State Income Taxes in the United States

calculate_taxes_wasmUse WASM to calculate taxes locally
check_dataEnsure input data set has required fields and data types are...
check_filing_statusEnsure values for filing status 'mstat' are proper.
check_greater_zeroCheck that columns are greater than zero
check_numericCheck numeric columns
check_parametersCheck input parameters
check_required_colsEnsure the required columns are present
check_spouseEnsure single taxpayers do not have spouse ages or income
check_stateCheck state column
check_taxsimidCheck that the 'taxsimid' column is an integer and every...
clean_from_taxsimClean final TAXSIM data set.
convert_marginal_tax_ratesRecode marginal tax rates.
convert_naConvert NA values to either 0 or the proper state value
create_dataset_for_taxsimConvert a data frame to the TAXSIM 35 output.
from_taxsim_colsMap output column names.
get_state_soiGet state SOI from state name.
taxpayer_financesFinancial and household characteristics of 1,000 taxpayer...
taxsim_calculate_taxesCalculate state and federal taxes using TASXSIM 35.
taxsim_colsMap input column names.
usincometaxes-packageusincometaxes: A package for calculating state and federal...
usincometaxes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.