voi: Expected Value of Information

Methods to calculate the expected value of information from a decision-analytic model. This includes the expected value of perfect information (EVPI), partial perfect information (EVPPI) and sample information (EVSI), and the expected net benefit of sampling (ENBS). A range of alternative computational methods are provided under the same user interface. See Heath et al. (2024) <doi:10.1201/9781003156109>, Jackson et al. (2022) <doi:10.1146/annurev-statistics-040120-010730>.

Package details

AuthorChristopher Jackson [aut, cre], Anna Heath [aut], Gianluca Baio [ctb] (Author of code taken from the BCEA package), Mark Strong [ctb] (Author of code taken from the SAVI package), Kofi Placid Adragni [ctb] (Author of code taken from the ldr package), Andrew Raim [ctb] (Author of code taken from the ldr package)
MaintainerChristopher Jackson <chris.jackson@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk>
URL https://chjackson.github.io/voi/
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

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voi documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:07 a.m.