Man pages for voi
Expected Value of Information

all_interactionsGenerate a string with all interactions of a certain degree,...
check_model_fnCheck that a decision-analytic model function is of the...
check_regressionCheck the fit of a regression model used to estimate EVPPI or...
chemo_modelChemotherapy cost-effectiveness model
enbsExpected net benefit of sampling
enbs_optDetermine the optimum sample size in an analysis of the...
evpiCalculate the expected value of perfect information from a...
evppiCalculate the expected value of partial perfect information...
evppi_mcTraditional two-level Monte Carlo estimator of EVPPI.
evppivarCalculate the expected value of partial perfect information...
evsiCalculate the expected value of sample information from a...
evsivarCalculate the expected value of sample information for an...
form_nbarrayConvert either "net benefit" or "cost-effectiveness" forms...
import_heemodImport results of probabilistic analysis from heemod
plot.evppiPlot EVPPI estimates
pop_voiPopulation expected value of information
voi-packageMethods to calculate the Expected Value of Information
voi documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:07 a.m.