Man pages for voice
Tools for Voice Analysis, Speaker Recognition and Mood Inference

audio_timeReturns the total time of audio files in seconds
diarizeWho spoke when?
durationDuration of sequences
enrich_rttmEnrich RTTM files
expand_modelExpand model
extract_featuresExtract audio features
feat_summaryFeatures summary
get_bitGet bit rate
get_durTime duration
get_leftGet left channel
get_rightGet right channel
get_samp.rateGet sample rate
get_tbegTime beginning
get_tdurTime duration
interpInterpolate vectors
interp_dfInperpolate data frames
interp_mcInterpolate vectors using multicore
is_monoVerify if an audio is mono
mozilla_id_pathSample IDs and paths
notesAssign notes to frequencies
notes_freqFrequencies on Scientific Pitch Notation (SPN)
read_rttmRead RTTM files
rm0Compress zeros.
smooth_dfSmooth numeric variables in a data frame
splitwSplit Wave
tagTag a data frame with media information
write_listWrites a list to a path
voice documentation built on April 19, 2023, 5:09 p.m.