Man pages for volesti
Volume Approximation and Sampling of Convex Polytopes

compute_indicatorsCompute an indicator for each time period that describes the...
copulaConstruct a copula using uniform sampling from the unit...
direct_samplingSample perfect uniformly distributed points from well known...
exact_volCompute the exact volume of (a) a zonotope (b) an arbitrary...
frustum_of_simplexCompute the percentage of the volume of the simplex that is...
gen_crossGenerator function for cross polytopes
gen_cubeGenerator function for hypercubes
gen_prod_simplexGenerator function for product of simplices
gen_rand_hpolyGenerator function for random H-polytopes
gen_rand_vpolyGenerator function for random V-polytopes
gen_rand_zonotopeGenerator function for zonotopes
gen_simplexGenerator function for simplices
gen_skinny_cubeGenerator function for skinny hypercubes
Hpolytope-classAn R class to represent an H-polytope
inner_ballCompute an inscribed ball of a convex polytope
load_sdpa_format_fileAn internal Rccp function to read a SDPA format file
poly_genAn internal Rccp function as a polytope generator
read_sdpa_format_fileRead a SDPA format file
rotate_polytopeApply a random rotation to a convex polytope (H-polytope,...
rotatingAn internal Rccp function for the random rotation of a convex...
roundingInternal rcpp function for the rounding of a convex polytope
round_polytopeApply rounding to a convex polytope (H-polytope, V-polytope...
sample_pointsSample uniformly or normally distributed points from a convex...
Spectrahedron-classAn R class to represent a Spectrahedron
volumeThe main function for volume approximation of a convex...
Vpolytope-classAn R class to represent a V-polytope
VpolytopeIntersection-classAn R class to represent the intersection of two V-polytopes
write_sdpa_format_fileWrite a SDPA format file
zono_approxAn internal Rccp function for the over-approximation of a...
zonotope_approximationA function to over-approximate a zonotope with PCA method and...
Zonotope-classAn R class to represent a Zonotope
volesti documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 1:08 a.m.