Man pages for votesmart
Wrapper for the Project 'VoteSmart' API

assignment_pipeAssignment pipe operator
candidates_get_by_lastnameGet candidate data by last name
candidates_get_by_levenshteinGet candidate data by Levenshtein distance from last name
candidates_get_by_office_stateGet candidates by the state in which they hold office
election_get_election_by_year_stateGet election info by election year and state
endpoint_input_mappingEndpoint-Input Mapping
endpoint_input_mapping_nestedNested Endpoint-Input Mapping
measure_get_measuresGet information on a ballot measure
measure_get_measures_by_year_stateGet a dataframe of ballot measures by year and state
office_get_levelsGet office levels
office_get_offices_by_levelGet offices by level
pipePipe operator
rating_get_candidate_ratingsGet SIG (Special Interest Group) ratings for candidates
rating_get_categoriesGet categories that contain ratings by state
rating_get_sigGet information on a SIG (Special Interest Group) by its ID
rating_get_sig_listGet SIG (Special Interest Group) list by category and state
votes_get_by_officialGet votes by official
votesmart-packagevotesmart: Wrapper for the Project 'VoteSmart' API
votesmart documentation built on May 2, 2023, 1:11 a.m.