Man pages for walker
Bayesian Generalized Linear Models with Time-Varying Coefficients Posterior Samples of walker Fit to a Data Frame
coef.walker_fitExtract Coeffients of Walker Fit
fitted.walker_fitExtract Fitted Values of Walker Fit
lfoLeave-Future-Out Cross-Validation
plot_coefsPosterior predictive check for walker object
plot_fitPlot the fitted values and sample quantiles for a walker...
plot_predictPrediction intervals for walker object
pp_check.walker_fitPosterior predictive check for walker object
predict_counterfactualPredictions for walker object
predict.walker_fitPredictions for walker object
print.walker_fitPrint Summary of walker_fit Object
rw1Construct a first-order random walk component
rw2Construct a second-order random walk component
summary.walker_fitSummary of walker_fit Object
walkerBayesian regression with random walk coefficients
walker_glmBayesian generalized linear model with time-varying...
walker_rw1Comparison of naive and state space implementation of RW1...
walker documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:33 p.m.