Man pages for weibullness
Goodness-of-Fit Test for Weibull Distribution (Weibullness)

ep.plotExponential Probability Plot
ep.testThe Exponential Goodness-of-Fit Test from the Exponential...
ep.test.criticalCritical Value for the Exponential Goodness-of-Fit test
ep.test.pvalueThe p-value for the Exponential Goodness-of-Fit Test
Exponential.ANOVA.QuantilesExponential quantile values
gp.plotGumbel Probability Plot
gp.testGumbel Goodness-of-Fit Test from a Gumbel Probability Plot
gp.test.criticalCritical Value for the Gumbel Goodness-of-Fit Test
gp.test.pvalueThe p-value for the Gumbel goodness-of-Fit Test
gumbel.gpEstimate of location and scale parameters of the Gumbel...
Gumbel.Plot.QuantilesGumbel quantile values
inverseWeibullThe inverse Weibull distribution
invweibull.mleMaximum likelihood estimates of the two-parameter inverse...
IW.Plot.QuantilesInverse Weibull quantile values
iwp.plotInverse Weibull Probability Plot
iwp.testWeibullness Test from a inverse Weibull Plot
iwp.test.criticalCritical Value for the inverse Weibullness Test
iwp.test.pvalueThe p-value for the inverse Weibullness Test
weibull.icMaximum likelihood estimates with interval censoring
weibull.mleMaximum likelihood estimates of three-parameter Weibull...
Weibull.Plot.QuantilesWeibull quantile values
weibull.rmRobust estimate of shape and scale parameters of Weibull...
weibull.thresholdEstimate of threshold parameter of three-parameter Weibull...
weibull.wpEstimate of shape and scale parameters of Weibull using the...
wp.plotWeibull Plot
wp.testWeibullness Test from a Weibull Plot
wp.test.criticalCritical Value for the Weibullness Test
wp.test.pvalueThe p-value for the Weibullness Test
weibullness documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:27 a.m.