Man pages for word2vec
Distributed Representations of Words

as.matrix.word2vecGet the word vectors of a word2vec model
doc2vecGet document vectors based on a word2vec model
predict.word2vecPredict functionalities for a word2vec model
read.word2vecRead a binary word2vec model from disk
read.wordvectorsRead word vectors from a word2vec model from disk
txt_clean_word2vecText cleaning specific for input to word2vec
word2vecTrain a word2vec model on text
word2vec.characterTrain a word2vec model on text
word2vec.listTrain a word2vec model on text
word2vec_similaritySimilarity between word vectors as used in word2vec
write.word2vecSave a word2vec model to disk
word2vec documentation built on Oct. 8, 2023, 1:07 a.m.