Man pages for wordmap
Feature Extraction and Document Classification with Noisy Labels

accuracyEvaluate classification accuracy in precision and recall
afeCompute Average Feature Entropy (AFE)
as.coefficients_textmodelCoerce various objects to coefficients_textmodel This is a...
as.dictionary.textmodel_wordmapCreate lexicon from a Wordmap model
as.statistics_textmodelCoerce various objects to statistics_textmodel
as.summary.textmodelAssign the summary.textmodel class to a list
coef.textmodel_wordmapExtract coefficients from a Wordmap model
data_corpus_ungd2017UN General Debate speeches from 2017
data_dictionary_topicSeed topic dictionary
predict.textmodel_wordmapPredict the most likely class of documents
print.coefficients_textmodelPrint methods for textmodel features estimates This is a...
print.statistics_textmodelImplements print methods for textmodel_statistics
print.summary.textmodelprint method for summary.textmodel
textmodel_wordmapA model for multinomial feature extraction and document...
textplot_termsPlot coefficients of words
wordmap documentation built on Oct. 21, 2024, 1:07 a.m.