batsmanCumulativeAverageRuns | Batsman's cumulative average runs |
batsmanCumulativeStrikeRate | Batsman's cumulative average strike rate |
batsmanDismissals | Dismissal type of batsmen |
batsmanFoursSixes | Batsman's total runs, fours and sixes |
batsmanMovingAverage | Moving average of batsman |
batsmanRunsAgainstOpposition | Batsman runs against different oppositions |
batsmanRunsPredict | Predict deliveries to runs scored |
batsmanRunsVenue | Batsman runs at different venues |
batsmanRunsVsDeliveries | Runs versus deliveries faced |
batsmanRunsVsStrikeRate | Batsman runs versus strike rate |
batsmanVsBowlerPerf | Performance of batsman vs bowler |
batsmanWinProbDL | Plot the batsman win probability contribution using Deep... |
batsmanWinProbLR | Plot the batsman win probability using Logistic Regression... |
bowlerCumulativeAvgEconRate | Bowler's cumulative average economy rate |
bowlerCumulativeAvgWickets | Bowler's cumulative average wickets |
bowlerDeliveryWickets | Number of deliveries to wickets |
bowlerMeanEconomyRate | Mean economy rate versus number of overs |
bowlerMeanRunsConceded | Mean runs conceded versus overs |
bowlerMovingAverage | Bowler's moving average of wickets |
bowlerVsBatsmanPerf | Performance of bowler vs batsman |
bowlerWicketsAgainstOpposition | Bowler wickets versus different teams |
bowlerWicketsVenue | Bowler performance at different venues |
bowlerWinProbDL | Plot the Bowler win probability contribution using Deep... |
bowlerWinProbLR | Plot the bowler win probability using Logistic Regression... |
bowlerWktsPredict | Predict the deliveries required to wickets |
convertAllYaml2RDataframes | Convert and save all Yaml files to dataframes |
convertAllYaml2RDataframesT20 | Convert and save all T20 Yaml files to dataframes |
convertYaml2RDataframe | Converts and save yaml files to dataframes |
convertYaml2RDataframeT20 | Converts and save T20 yaml files to dataframes |
getAllMatchesAllOpposition | Get data on all matches against all opposition |
getAllMatchesBetweenTeams | Get data on all matches between 2 opposing teams |
getBatsmanDetails | Get batting details of batsman from match |
getBBLBattingDetails | Gets the BBL batting details |
getBBLBowlingDetails | Gets the BBL bowling details |
getBowlerWicketDetails | Get the bowling details of a bowler |
getCPLBattingDetails | Gets the CPL batting details |
getCPLBowlingDetails | Gets the CPL bowling details |
getDeliveryWickets | Get datframe of deliveries bowled and wickets taken |
getIPLBattingDetails | Gets the IPL batting details |
getIPLBowlingDetails | Gets the IPL bowling details |
getMatchDetails | Get match details of 2 countries |
getNTBBattingDetails | Gets the NTB batting details |
getNTBBowlingDetails | Gets the NTB bowling details |
getODIBattingDetails | Gets the ODI batting details |
getODIBowlingDetails | Gets the ODI bowling details |
getPSLBattingDetails | Gets the PSL batting details |
getPSLBowlingDetails | Gets the PSL bowling details |
getSSMBattingDetails | Gets the SSM batting details |
getSSMBowlingDetails | Gets the SSM bowling details |
getT20BattingDetails | Gets the T20 batting details |
getT20BowlingDetails | Gets the T20 bowling details |
getTeamBattingDetails | Get team batting details |
getTeamBowlingDetails | Get the team bowling details |
getWBBBattingDetails | Gets the WBB batting details |
getWBBBowlingDetails | Gets the WBB bowling details |
globals | globals.R |
helper | Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe |
helper1 | Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe from... |
helper2 | Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe |
helper3 | Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe for... |
matchWormGraph | Plot the match worm graph |
matchWormWicketGraph | Plot the match worm wicket graph |
overallRunsSRDeathOversPlotT20 | Plot the Runs vs SR in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmen |
overallRunsSRMiddleOversPlotT20 | Plot the Runs vs SR in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmen |
overallRunsSRPlotT20 | Plot the Runs vs SR of Intl. T20 batsmen |
overallRunsSRPPowerplayPlotT20 | Plot the Runs vs SR in power play of T20 batsmen |
overallWicketsERDeathOversPlotT20 | Plot the Wickets vs ER in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmen |
overallWicketsERMiddleOversPlotT20 | Plot the Wickets vs ER in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmen |
overallWicketsERPlotT20 | Ranks the T20 bowlers |
overallWicketsERPowerPlayPlotT20 | Plot the Wickets vs ER in power play of Intl. T20 batsmen |
parseYamlOver | Parse yaml file and convert to dataframe |
plotWinLossBetweenTeams | Plot wins for each team |
plotWinLossTeamVsAllTeams | Plot wins for each team |
rankODIBatsmen | Ranks the ODI batsmen |
rankODIBowlers | Ranks the ODI bowlers |
rankT20Batsmen | Ranks the T20 batsmen |
rankT20Bowlers | Ranks the T20 bowlers |
saveAllMatchesAllOpposition | Saves matches of all opposition as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionBBLT20 | Saves matches against all BBL teams as dataframe for an BBL... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionCPLT20 | Saves matches against all CPL teams as dataframe for an CPL... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionIPLT20 | Saves matches against all IPL teams as dataframe for an IPL... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionNTBT20 | Saves matches against all NTB teams as dataframe for an NTB... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionPSLT20 | Saves matches against all PSL teams as dataframe for an PSL... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionSSMT20 | Saves matches against all SSM teams as dataframe for an SSM... |
saveAllMatchesAllOppositionWBBT20 | Saves matches against all WBB teams as dataframe for an WBB... |
saveAllMatchesBetween2BBLTeams | Saves all matches between 2 BBL teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2CPLTeams | Saves all matches between 2 CPL teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2IPLTeams | Saves all matches between 2 IPL teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2NTBTeams | Saves all matches between 2 NTB teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2PSLTeams | Saves all matches between 2 PSL teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2SSMTeams | Saves all matches between 2 SSM teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetween2WBBTeams | Saves all matches between 2 WBB teams as dataframe |
saveAllMatchesBetweenTeams | Saves all matches between 2 teams as dataframe |
saveAllT20BattingDetails | Save all T20 batting details |
saveAllT20BowlingDetails | Save all T20 batting details |
saveAllT20MatchesAsDF | Overall picture Ranks the T20 batsmen |
specialProc | Used to parse yaml file |
teamBatsmenPartnershiOppnAllMatches | Team batting partnership against a opposition all matches |
teamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting partnership in all matches all oppositions |
teamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatchesPlot | Plots team batting partnership all matches all oppositions |
teamBatsmenPartnershipMatch | Team batting partnerships of batsmen in a match |
teamBatsmenPartnershipOppnAllMatchesChart | Plot of team partnership all matches against an opposition |
teamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesPlot | Plot of Team batsmen vs bowlers against all opposition all... |
teamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesRept | Report of team batsmen vs bowlers in all matches all... |
teamBatsmenVsBowlersMatch | Team batsmen against bowlers in a match |
teamBatsmenVsBowlersOppnAllMatches | Team batsmen vs bowlers all matches of an opposition |
teamBattingPerfDetails | Gets the team batting details. |
teamBattingScorecardAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting scorecard against all oppositions in all matches |
teamBattingScorecardMatch | Team batting scorecard of a team in a match |
teamBattingScorecardOppnAllMatches | Team batting scorecard of a team in all matches against an... |
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesMain | Compute team bowlers vs batsmen all opposition all matches |
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesPlot | Plot bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all matches |
teamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesRept | report of Team bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all... |
teamBowlersVsBatsmenMatch | Team bowlers vs batsmen in a match |
teamBowlersVsBatsmenOppnAllMatches | Team bowlers vs batsmen against an opposition in all matches |
teamBowlersWicketKindOppnAllMatches | Team bowlers wicket kind against an opposition in all matches |
teamBowlersWicketRunsOppnAllMatches | Team bowlers wicket runs against an opposition in all matches |
teamBowlersWicketsOppnAllMatches | Team bowlers wickets against an opposition in all matches |
teamBowlingPerfDetails | get team bowling performance details |
teamBowlingPerfOppnAllMatches | team bowling performance all matches against an opposition |
teamBowlingScorecardAllOppnAllMatches | Team bowling scorecard all opposition all matches |
teamBowlingScorecardAllOppnAllMatchesMain | Team bowling scorecard all opposition all matches Main |
teamBowlingScorecardMatch | Compute and return the bowling scorecard of a team in a match |
teamBowlingWicketKindAllOppnAllMatches | team bowling wicket kind against all opposition all matches |
teamBowlingWicketKindMatch | Compute and plot the wicket kinds by bowlers in match |
teamBowlingWicketMatch | Compute and plot wickets by bowlers in match |
teamBowlingWicketRunsAllOppnAllMatches | Team bowling wicket runs all matches against all oppositions |
teamBowlingWicketRunsMatch | Team bowling wickets runs conceded in match |
teamERAcrossOvers | Compute the ER in powerplay, middle and death overs |
teamERAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the ER by team against all team in powerplay, middle... |
teamERAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the ER by team against team in powerplay, middle and... |
teamRunsAcrossOvers | Compute the runs in powerplay, middle and death overs |
teamRunsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the runs by team against all team in powerplay,... |
teamRunsAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the runs by team against team in powerplay, middle... |
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against... |
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotMatch | Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team in... |
teamRunSRDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against... |
teamRunsSRMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team... |
teamRunsSRPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR for team against all... |
teamRunsSRPlotMatch | Team Runs vs SR in match |
teamRunsSRPlotOppnAllMatches | Team batting Runs vs SR against oppositions in all matches |
teamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotMatch | Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team in... |
teamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team... |
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against... |
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotMatch | Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team in match |
teamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatches | Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against... |
teamSRAcrossOvers | Compute the Strike Rate in powerplay, middle and death overs |
teamSRAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the strike rate by team against all team in... |
teamSRAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the strike rate by team against team in powerplay,... |
teamWicketERDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition all... |
teamWicketERMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against all opposition all... |
teamWicketERMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against a pposition all... |
teamWicketERPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition all... |
teamWicketsAcrossOvers | Compute the wickets in powerplay, middle and death overs |
teamWicketsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the wickets by team against all team in powerplay,... |
teamWicketsAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the wickets by team against team in powerplay, middle... |
teamWicketsERDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in death overs against all opposition all... |
teamWicketsERDeathOversPlotMatch | Team wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition in match |
teamWicketsERMiddleOversPlotMatch | Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against opposition in... |
teamWicketsERPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER against all opposition all matches |
teamWicketsERPlotMatch | Team wickets vs ER against in match |
teamWicketsERPlotOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER against all opposition all matches |
teamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatches | Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against all opposition all... |
teamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotMatch | Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition in match |
topERBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the best ER by bowlers against all team in powerplay,... |
topERBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay,... |
topRunsBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the most runs scored by batsmen against all team in... |
topRunsBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the most runs scored by batsmen against team in... |
topSRBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the highest SR by batsmen against all team in... |
topSRBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the highest SR by batsmen against team in powerplay,... |
topWicketsBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches | Compute the most wickets by bowlers against all team in... |
topWicketsBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatches | Compute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay,... |
winProbabilityDL | Plot the win probability using Deep Learning model |
winProbabilityGAN | Plot the win probability using GAN model |
winProbabilityLR | Plot the win probability using Logistic Regression model |
winProbabilityRF | Plot the win probability using Random Forest model |
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