Man pages for zoomGroupStats
Analyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings

aggSentimentHelper function to aggregate sentiment variables
batchGrabVideoStillsBatch process video files, breaking them into stills
batchProcessZoomOutputBatch process files that have been downloaded from Zoom
batchVideoFaceAnalysisBatch analyze faces in videos
createZoomRosettaCreate a file to aid in adding a unique identifier to link to...
grabVideoStillsHelper function to split a video into still frames
importZoomRosettaHelper function to add unique identifiers to processed Zoom...
makeTimeWindowsHelper function that creates temporal windows in datasets
processZoomChatProcess a Zoom chat file
processZoomOutputWrapper function to process the raw files from Zoom in a...
processZoomParticipantsInfoProcess participant information from a Zoom meeting export
processZoomTranscriptProcess Zoom transcript file
sample_batch_infoParsed batch info file in a recorded 'Zoom' meeting
sample_chat_processedParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting
sample_chat_sentiment_awsParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis...
sample_chat_sentiment_syuParsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis...
sample_transcript_processedParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting.
sample_transcript_sentiment_awsParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with AWS-based...
sample_transcript_sentiment_syuParsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with syuzhet-based...
textConversationAnalysisAnalyze conversation attributes
textSentimentConduct a sentiment analysis on text data
turnTakingSimple conversational turn-taking analysis
videoFaceAnalysisAnalyze the facial features within an exported Zoom video...
windowedTextConversationAnalysisRun a windowed analysis on either a Zoom transcript or chat...
zoomGroupStats documentation built on May 13, 2021, 5:06 p.m.