Man pages for Acanthiza/envImport
Combine Disparate Data Sources

access_query_32Get data from MS Access
aoiSimple feature to define a geographic area of interest.
choose_namesChoose columns to keep from a dataframe, based on a data map
connect_to_access_dbiConnect to access database via DBI function
data_mapLookup for mapping data source columns to united column
data_map_old(Old version) Lookup for mapping data source columns to...
file_prepPrepare saving location in get functions
flag_sens_recordsFlag sensitive records according to BDBSA
get_dataGet 'data_name' data
get_galahGet data using 'galah::atlas_occurrences()'
get_GBIFGet an occurrence record set from GBIF
get_TERNGet occurrence records from TERN
lurelBDBSALookup the maximum reliability distance for 'RELIBANR' field
pipePipe operator
remap_data_namesUse a data map to select, rename, adjust and align columns
Acanthiza/envImport documentation built on Aug. 14, 2024, 8:18 a.m.