Man pages for AndersAskeland/askelandR
Personal R package

anim_map_obesityCreates animation object. Can be saved by using...
anim_plot_obesityCreate plot
autoplot_multisite_baselineCreates plot comparing different participant groups from the...
autoplot_multisite_weight_lossCreates plot comparing different participant groups from the...
check_recordChecks if participant ID already exist inside given redcap...
cpr_number_formatedFormat CPR number to have a "-".
custom_fillCustom fill function. Will only fill if there only exists...
extract_labsExtracts label names from list.
extract_themeExtracts theme arguments
filter_nafldFilters data on the basis of participants in the control and...
geom_paired_columnCustom ggplot2 geom that creates a Paried scatter column...
geom_scatter_columnCustom ggplot2 geom that creates a scatter column plot. Good...
label_textSets axis text as angled or wrap.
null_if_naReturns NULL if provided value is NA
pipePipe operator
read_ck18Read CK18 data and returns as tibble.
read_dxaReads DXA data and returns a tibble. TODO
read_homaRead HOMA-ir from CSV file. Homa IR is calculated using...
read_insulinReads insulin and C-peptide data
read_labkaRead Labka data and converts to tibble.
read_lihepReads lithium heparin data manually entered.
read_p3npRead PIIINP data and returns as tibble.
read_timp1Reads TIMP1 data
redcap_allocate_automaticAutomatically transfer participant from allocation group to...
redcap_anonymize_dataReplaces data in RedCap df with random data.
redcap_exportExtracts/exports data from redcap (using httr) and converts...
redcap_export_field_listExtract field list from a redcap project. API token is...
redcap_export_participant_infoExtract participant information and writes it to an easy to...
redcap_importImports data into RedCap.
redcap_manual_allocateTakes a redcap export file as input and changes redcap arm on...
rename_xlabsRenames groups
save_svg_wideSimple save svg.
stat_relative_changeCalculate the relative change between different time points....
theme_chewrCustom theme for ggplot object.
who_queryQueries WHO API database and cleans data.
AndersAskeland/askelandR documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 10:39 a.m.