Man pages for AparajithaRamesh/pondr
Automate analysing data from TROVAN PIT tag system

block_dfblock_df obtained from the RFID / PIT tag readers
block_ref_dfblock_ref_df frame obtained from the RFID / PIT tag readers
pipePipe operator
pr_clean_dataClean the raw data from the readers
pr_distDistance travelled by an individual
pr_latency_crossComputes the latency to cross specific sequences of antennas...
pr_latency_reachComputes the latency to reach one or several antennas
pr_socialityComputes the proportion of time spent with at least one...
pr_summaryProduces a summary table and a heatmap
raw_dfRaw data frame obtained from the RFID / PIT tag readers
AparajithaRamesh/pondr documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 7:14 p.m.