Man pages for ArdernHB/KnnDist
Kernal Nearest Neighbour classification with distance inputs

Array2MatInternal function for conversion of an array to a matrix
BalancedGrpsFunction for resampling groups to equal sample size
BirdsongDataBlue chaffinch birdsong dataset
chr2nuInternal function for quick class change of a vector to...
DummyDataDummy Data dataset
KnnDistCVK-Nearest Neighbour correct cross-validation with distance...
KnnDistCVParK-Nearest Neighbour correct cross-validation with distance...
KnnDistCVStepwiseStepwise K-Nearest Neighbour correct cross-validation with...
KnnDistCVStepwiseParStepwise K-Nearest Neighbour correct cross-validation with...
KnnDistIDingBalK-Nearest Neighbour multiple specimen identification with...
KnnDistIDingGroupk-Nearest Neighbour multiple specimen identification
KnnIDingSingleIndK-Nearest Neighbour single specimen identification
KVoteFunction for calculating the majority vote
Mat2ArrayInternal function for conversion of a matrix of landmarks to...
PlotStepwisePlotting function for stepwise results
ProcDistanceTableWrapper for procdist function to output a distance table
ProcDistanceTableParWrapper for procdist function to output a distance table...
RatDataRattini shape dataset
ShapeDist2SpecimenReturns vector of Procrustes distances
TieBreakerFunctionFunction for breaking tied votes
transparInternal function: Transparent named colour
ArdernHB/KnnDist documentation built on Feb. 5, 2021, 5:09 a.m.