Man pages for BAAQMD/qtytools
Parse, Manipulate, and Predict Quantities

apply_scalarsMultiply a column in one dataset by one or more variables...
binLike 'round()', but you're not limited to 0.1s, 0.01s, etc.
carry_forwardCarry non-NA values forward, replacing NAs
convert_quantitiesEasily convert between different units of measurement.
GMGeometric mean
intSafely coerce to integer(s)
is_intTest for integer-ish-ness
lerpLinear interpolation
locfLast Observation Carried Forward
multiply_eachMultiply numbers by a given amount
sum_emissionsSum Emissions In Tabular Data
sum_quantities_bySum Quantities In Tabular Data
sum_throughputsSum Throughputs In Tabular Data
tabulate_quantities_byTotal, then spread, annual quantities
top_qSelect top q rows (by value)
totalAdd numbers, ignoring NAs
total_eachTotal selected columns of a data frame
trim_valuesReplace out-of-range values
BAAQMD/qtytools documentation built on June 30, 2022, 6:07 p.m.