Man pages for BavoDC/
Calibration Performance

auc.nonpara.mwAUC Based on the Mann-Whitney Statistic
CalibrationCurvesGeneral information on the package and its functions
dot-rcspline.plotInternal function
genCalCurveCalibration performance using the generalized calibration...
grapes-less-than-equals-grapesInfix operator to run background jobs
grapes-open-curly-close-grapesInfix operator to run background jobs
LibraryMFunction to load multiple packages at once
poissontraindataSimulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality
print.CalibrationCurvePrint function for a CalibrationCurve object
print.GeneralizedCalibrationCurvePrint function for a GeneralizedCalibrationCurve object
print.ggplotCalibrationCurvePrint function for a ggplotCalibrationCurve object
traindataSimulated data sets to illustrate the package functionality performance
valProbggplotCalibration performance: ggplot version
BavoDC/ documentation built on July 7, 2024, 9:35 a.m.