Man pages for CDU-data-science-team/honos
Analyse and Visualise the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS)

as_cluster_descDescribe clusters
as_i8_descConvert HoNOS item 8 types to labelled factor
as_item_descConvert HoNOS item numbers to labelled factor
as_severity_descConvert HoNOS severity scores to labelled factor
calc_change_labelCalculate change labels for lagged change scores
calc_subscalesCalculate sum scores of HoNOS subscales (12-item version)
honos_dataExample dataset dataset with repeated measures of HoNOS...
lag_honosCalculate lagged HoNOS scores
pipePipe operator
pivot_honos_longerPivot HoNOS data from wide to long
rename_honosHelper function to rename HoNOS variables
CDU-data-science-team/honos documentation built on Nov. 7, 2021, 9:20 p.m.