Man pages for Cesar-Urteaga/rnoaa
Functions to get, clean, visualize, and analize the NOAA's quake database

download_earthquake_dataDownloads the latest NOAA's Significant Earthquake dataset...
eq_clean_dataCreates the earthquakes' date of occurrence and prepares some...
eq_create_labelCreates R leaflet maps' popup text labels with the quake's...
eq_location_cleanTidies the earthquakes' location name variable up.
eq_mapDisplays an R leaflet map with the quake's epicenters...
geom_timelineTimeline ggplot2's geom
geom_timeline_labelTimeline label ggplot2's geom
get_earthquake_dataLoads the NOAA's Significant Earthquake dataset.
providersList of available R's leaflet map providers.
theme_timelineTimeline theme
Cesar-Urteaga/rnoaa documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:16 a.m.