Man pages for Cole-Monnahan-NOAA/adnuts
No-U-Turn MCMC Sampling for 'ADMB' Models

adfitConstructor for the "adfit" (A-D fit) class
adnutsadnuts: No-U-turn sampling for AD Model Builder (ADMB) object of class adfit to data.frame. Calls...
check_identifiableCheck identifiability from model Hessian
dot-check_ADMB_versionCheck that the model is compiled with the right version of...
dot-check_console_printingCheck if the session is interactive or Rstudio which has...
dot-check_model_pathCheck that the file can be found
dot-getADMBHessianRead in admodel.hes file
dot-sample_admbHidden wrapper function for sampling from ADMB models
dot-update_modelConvert model name depending on system
extract_sampler_paramsExtract sampler parameters from a fit.
extract_samplesExtract posterior samples from a model fit.
is.adfitCheck object of class adfit
launch_shinyadmbLaunch shinystan for an ADMB fit.
launch_shinytmbLaunch shinystan for a TMB fit.
pairs_admbPlot pairwise parameter posteriors and optionally the MLE...
plot.adfitPlot object of class adfit
plot_marginalsPlot marginal distributions for a fitted model
plot_sampler_paramsPlot adaptation metrics for a fitted model.
plot_uncertaintiesPlot MLE vs MCMC marginal standard deviations for each...
print.adfitPrint summary of adfit object
sample_admbDeprecated version of wrapper function. Use sample_nuts or...
sample_initsFunction to generate random initial values from a previous...
sample_tmbBayesian inference of a TMB model using the no-U-turn...
sample_tmb_hmcDraw MCMC samples from a model posterior using a static HMC...
sample_tmb_nutsDraw MCMC samples from a model posterior using the No-U-Turn...
sample_tmb_rwm[Deprecated] Draw MCMC samples from a model posterior using a...
summary.adfitPrint summary of object of class adfit
wrappersBayesian inference of an ADMB model using the no-U-turn...
Cole-Monnahan-NOAA/adnuts documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 6:41 a.m.