Man pages for DHLab-CGU/pharm

calDDDsAccumulationCalculate subjects' total daily dosage drugs(DDDs)
calDDDsRangeCalculate subjects' accumulated daily dosage drugs(DDDs) in...
calDDDsViaRxCuiCalculate total daily dosage drugs(DDDs) in RxCui
getATCLevelPlotGet Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification...
getATCViaNHINoGet Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification...
getATCViaRxCuiGet Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification...
getBoSSViaRxcuiGet Ingredient and Basis of Strength Substance (BoSS)...
getDispensingPlotGet specific medication history dispensing plot
getDrugEraGenerate Drug Era
getDrugEraPlotGet drug era histogram plot
getIngredientAndBoSSViaRxCuiGet Ingredient and Basis of strength substance (BoSS)
getMaypreventGet specific indication may prevent via RxCui
getMEDRTInfoGet the Veterans Health Administration's Medication Reference...
getNDCViaSBDRxCuiGet U.S National Drug Code(NDC) via Semantic Branded...
getNHINoViaHCGet Taiwan Health Insurance drug code(NHINo) via Hospital...
getNHINoViaRCFNoGet Taiwan Health Insurance drug code(NHINo) via Hospital...
getRxCuiInfoGet RxCui information
getRxCuiViaATCGet RxCui via Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification...
getRxCuiViaMayPreventGet ingredient RxCui via specific indication
getRxCuiViaMayTreatGet ingredient RxCui via specific indication
getRxCuiViaNDCGet RxCui via U.S National Drug Code(NDC)
getSBDRxCuiViaRxCuiGet Semantic Branded Drug(SBD) or Semantic Clinical Drug(SCD)...
DHLab-CGU/pharm documentation built on July 2, 2022, 7:16 a.m.