Man pages for DHatziioanou/simpleepi
Simplifying functions to improve the ease and speed of basic epidemiological analysis

age_groupsTitle Add age group column to data.frame
archiveArchives files from a folder based on modification date. All...
backupBackup folder contents where change identified with...
col_namecompareTitle Column names list duplicates in 1 or more objects....
col_nameregexTitle Column name search for string patterns
combine_vectorsTitle Combine vectors or table columns while keeping all...
episodesAdd episode information based on the duration of episodes
extract_fastaTitle Extract fasta from file in a loop
file_stat_diffAdd difference from previous timestamp to file_stat_log...
file_stat_logTitle Create and maintain a record of the number of rows in...
getlatestfileRetrieve most recent file from a file path
IDinfilesearchTitle Search a list of files for values in a consistent...
index_postcodesCreate an Index for an ONS NSPL postcode database
install_loadFor a list of packages install missing ones and load them...
match_postcodeRetrieve ONS postcode data and append to object
ONS_age_groupsTitle Calculate ONS populations by age group for any age...
package_replacePackage replacement with specified version of package
QC_categoriesTitle Compare vector contents to a expected categories
replicatesSubset data.frame or data.table for all rows duplicated in...
replicates_rmvSubset data.frame or data.table to remove all duplicated rows...
same_asCompare values or vectors
seq.yearweekTitle Create a year-week sequence
simpleaggregateTitle Combine rows sharing unique identifier to save all...
simpleappendenvCombine tables from environment into one table by appending...
simpledatesFormat dates
simpleencodeTitle Change character encoding to UTF-8 with optional case...
simplefilecheckCheck if two files are present and of the same size and same...
simpleIDTitle Create a unique identified based on unique values in...
simpleimportImport various formats of files into R with one command. If...
simpleimportforceImport various formats of files into R with one command.
simplelog_endTitle Write data and end connection to history and log files
simplelog_startTitle Start connection to history and log files
simplenumberTitle Remove letters and special characters from a string to...
simpleopenOpen path using File Explorer or open named file
simpleregionsTidy English PHEC names for consistency of formatting
simpleunzipTitle Unzip a file using 7z
simple_vc_snapshotTitle Get a snapshot of previous database contents
simple_version_controlTitle Compare two versions of data with the same length and...
simplewordsRemove special characters and numbers and format to UTF-8...
simplewriteWrite data to file in spreadsheet format
sqldb_retrieveTitle Import dataset from SQL server into R
sqlfile_queryTitle Use sql query file to query database via odbc
sqlfile_readTitle Read sql query file
sqlfile_tablesTitle Extract names of tables from sql query
sql_nocommentsTitle Remove comments from SQL files
vectorise_uniqueTitle Format full names from a data.table and return unique...
yearweekFormat a date to isoyear-isoweek
DHatziioanou/simpleepi documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:25 a.m.