Man pages for EarthSystemDiagnostics/pfields
An R Package to Analyse Gridded Field Data

AddHistoryAmend the history of a proxy object
ApplyFieldsApply function on two fields
ApplySpaceApply a function across space
ApplyTimeApply a function across time
cor.pTsCorrelation of point with field
Decor.pFieldDecorrelation of field
GetDistanceFieldCalculate distance between grid points
GetHistoryGet history of a proxy object
GetLatGet latitudes of proxy object
GetLatLonFieldLatitude and longitude fields
GetLonGet longitudes of proxy object
GetNameGet name of proxy object
is.pFieldpField object
is.pTspTs object
Ops.pFieldpField operator method
Ops.pTspTs operator method
pFieldCreate a pField object
pField2dfConvert field to data frame
pTsCreate a pTs object
SelPointSelect nearest point
str.pFieldCompactly display the structure of a pField object
str.pTsCompactly display the structure of a pTs object
sub-.pFieldExtract or replace parts of a pField object
sub-.pTsExtract or replace parts of a pTs object
summary.pFieldpField summary
summary.pTspTs summary
EarthSystemDiagnostics/pfields documentation built on Jan. 10, 2022, 10:37 p.m.