Man pages for EcoDynIZW/d6geodata
geo data acces package ecodyn department IZW

build_meta_filecreate meta data for new files
create_reportfunction for creating a rmd file and copying it to the...
data_namecreate name of data files
download_fisbroker_atomDownload data from fisbroker
download_fisbroker_wfsDownload data from fisbroker
empty_as_nafunction for empty cols
fun_datefunction for dates
fun_epsgfunction for epsg code
fun_numfunction for numeric
geo_overviewshow overview of geodata
get_copyrightfunction for getting copyright of the data
get_geodataget geoadata from PopDynCloud
get_user_pathget the path of the user
move_to_distillfunction for copying the geodata template, adding the paths...
pipePipe operator
plot_binary_mapplot binary maps
plot_qualitative_mapplot qualitative maps
plot_quantitative_mapplot quantitative maps
render_geodatafunction for rendering an markdown to get an html of...
render_geodata_rasfunction for rendering an markdown to get an html of...
temp_rasGet template raster for Berlin. This can be used to rasterize...
EcoDynIZW/d6geodata documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 2:15 p.m.