Man pages for ErickChacon/day2day
Functions for Day-to-Day Data Analysis

assocMatrix of General Association
cumsum_naCumsum vector with NA values.
cut_extConvert Numeric to Factor with custom condition
day2day'day2day' package
db_summarizeSummarize the databases inside a folder.
ecdf_valCompute empirical cumulative density function.
find_flood_droughtIdentify floods and droughts based on SPI.
get_pathGet the Folder Path Containing File
getwd_shortCut Current Working Directory Filepath
ggscale_seqCreates sequence for continuous scale .
ggthemeCustomized theme for ggplot.
git_pathGet Path of Current Git Repository
gpSimulate a Gaussian process
ls_sizeObtain list of objects by memory usage.
mean_naSum vector with NA values.
mfeMultivariate Fixed Effect
mgpSimulate a Multivariate Gaussian process
msim_modelSimulate Databases Based in Multivariate Models
png2PNG custom.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
runmeanMoving average.
sim_modelSimulate databases based in models
spi_weekCompute the Standardized Precipitation Index.
sum_naSum vector with NA values.
units_txCreate labels with units.
wrapitWrap text for ggplots.
ErickChacon/day2day documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m.