Man pages for EvgenyPetrovsky/aoc2019

da07_add_value_to_list_elementsadd value into every element of list
day01_fuelcalculate fuel for mass
day01_fuelrecfuel adjustment on fuel itself
day01_part1_solutionsolution for part 1 of day01 puzzle
day01_part2_solutionsolution for part 1 of day01 puzzle
day02Day 2 solution
day02_modify_inputpuzzle requires input modification
day02_noun_verbfind combination of word and noun
day02_part1_solutionsolution of Day 2 part 1
day02_part2_solutionsolution of Day 2 part 1
day03_centralpointCentral point - starting position
day03_deltapathbuild delta to the path according
day03_fullpathBuild path from starting point
day03_intersectionFind all intersections of 2 pathes
day03_mhtdistManhettan distance
day03_part1Fund find closest (manhettan distance) intersection of 2...
day03_part1_solutionsolution of Day 3 part 1
day03_part2Find shortest (wire length) intersection of 2 wires defined...
day03_part2_solutionsolution of Day 3 part 2
day03_path_directionTranslate instruction into directoin vector (x, y)
day03_path_lengthTranslate instruction into number of steps
day03_positioncurrent position
day04_docheckFunction that generalizes 2 types of checks using binary...
day04_filteradjCheck whether number has at least to adjacent digits
day04_filteradj2Check whether adjacent digits are not part of bigger group
day04_filterascCheck whether digits of number all go in asscending order
day04_makesequenceGenerate sequence of numbers based on value of low and high...
day04_part1_solutionDay 04 part 1 solution
day04_part2_solutionDay 04 part 2 solution
day05_changebasechange relative base
day05_decodeopDecode operation
day05_diagnosticrun diagnostics on INTCODE computer
day05_getvGet value
day05_instruct_par_modeinstruction parameter modes
day05_intruct_lengthLength of instruction - how many registers belong to...
day05_intruct_opdecode instruction to identify operation
day05_jumpiffalsemove pointer if frist parameter is zero
day05_jumpiftruemove pointer if frist parameter is non-zero
day05_oneifequalmove pointer if frist parameter is equal to second
day05_oneiflessmove pointer if frist parameter is less than second
day05_opinputread input
day05_opmulmultiply two numbers
day05_opoutputreturn result (print output)
day05_opsumadd two numbers
day05_part1_solutionDay 05 part 1 solution
day05_part2_solutionDay 05 part 2 solution
day05_run_computerrun diagnostics on INTCODE computer
day05_setvSet value
day06_build_chainsbuild chains of orbits towards center of everything
day06_check_splitscheck that all splits have 2 elements
day06_count_orbitscalculate number of orbits for given map and object code
day06_gather_objectsmake list of all objects
day06_part1_solutionday 6 part 1 solution
day06_part2_solutionday 6 part 1 solution
day06_rotates_aroundRotates around analyzes object relationships and return list...
day07_part1_solutionDay 7 part 1 solution
day07_permutationspermutations of vector ov values
day07_run_curcuitRun circuit of amplifiers
day07_run_feedback_curcuitRun circuit of amplifiers with feedback loop
day08_part1_solutionDay 8 part 1 solution
day08_part2_solutionDay 8 part 2 solution
day08_split2chunksSplit vector of values into chunks of fixed size
day08_text2charsplit text into characters
day08_top_visible_pixeldetermine which pixels are visible for stack of layers
day08_trace_pixelLook at pixel trhough layeers and decide what you see
day09_part1_solutionDay 09 part 1 solution
day09_part2_solutionDay 09 part 2 solution
day10_contour_around_stationIdentify boundaries to scan with station radar
day10_dec_to_polarTransform coordinates from decart to polar system
day10_identify_allIdentify all asteroids on a matrix map
day10_identify_all_polarIdentify all polar coordinates of asteroids
day10_locate_objectsLocate all asteroids visible to station
day10_objects_on_contourIdentify all objects that are located on contour line
day10_part1_solutionDay 10 part 1 solution
day10_part2_solutionDay 10 part 2 solution
day10_sort_polarSort all polar coordinates
day10_vapor_seqasteroid vaporization sequence
day10_visibleIdentify whether asteroid is visible to station
INTCODEinternal INTCODE computer service data
EvgenyPetrovsky/aoc2019 documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 2:40 a.m.