Man pages for FRBCesab/forcis
An R Client to Access the FORCIS Database

computationsCompute count conversions
convert_to_long_formatReshape and simplify FORCIS data
data_to_sfConvert a data frame into an sf object
download_forcis_dbDownload the FORCIS database
filter_by_bboxFilter FORCIS data by a spatial bounding box
filter_by_monthFilter FORCIS data by month of sampling
filter_by_oceanFilter FORCIS data by ocean
filter_by_polygonFilter FORCIS data by a spatial polygon
filter_by_speciesFilter FORCIS data by species
filter_by_yearFilter FORCIS data by year of sampling
forcis-packageforcis: An R Client to Access the FORCIS Database
geom_basemapAdd a World basemap to a ggplot object
get_available_versionsGet available versions of the FORCIS database
get_current_versionGet the version of the FORCIS database currently used
get_ocean_namesGet World ocean names
get_required_columnsGet required column names
get_species_namesGet species names from column names
get_version_metadataPrint information of a specific version of the FORCIS...
ggmap_dataMap the spatial distribution of FORCIS data
plot_record_by_depthPlot sample records by depth of collection
plot_record_by_monthPlot sample records by month
plot_record_by_seasonPlot sample records by season
plot_record_by_yearPlot sample records by year
read_dataRead FORCIS data
select_forcis_columnsSelect columns in FORCIS data
select_taxonomySelect a taxonomy in FORCIS data
FRBCesab/forcis documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 10:28 a.m.