Man pages for FRBCesab/rcompendium
Create a Package or Research Compendium Structure

add_citationCreate a CITATION file
add_codecov_badgeAdd a Codecov badge
add_code_of_conductAdd code of conduct
add_compendiumCreate additional folders
add_contributingAdd contribution guidelines
add_cran_badgeAdd a CRAN Status badge
add_dependenciesAdd dependencies in DESCRIPTION
add_dependencies_badgeAdd a Dependencies badge
add_descriptionCreate a DESCRIPTION file
add_dockerfileCreate a Dockerfile
add_github_actions_checkSetup GitHub Actions to check package
add_github_actions_check_badgeAdd a R CMD Check badge
add_github_actions_citationSetup GitHub Actions to update CITATION.cff
add_github_actions_codecovSetup GitHub Actions to report code coverage
add_github_actions_codecov_badgeAdd a Test coverage badge
add_github_actions_documentSetup GitHub Actions to document package
add_github_actions_pkgdownSetup GitHub Actions to build and deploy package website
add_github_actions_pkgdown_badgeAdd a Website badge
add_github_actions_renderSetup GitHub Actions to render README
add_licenseAdd a LICENSE
add_license_badgeAdd a License badge
add_lifecycle_badgeAdd a Life Cycle badge
add_makefileCreate a Make-like R file
add_package_docCreate a package-level documentation file
add_r_dependAdd minimal R version to DESCRIPTION
add_readme_rmdCreate a README file
add_renvInitialize renv
add_repostatus_badgeAdd a Repository Status badge
add_testthatInitialize units tests
add_to_buildignoreAdd to the .Rbuildignore file
add_to_gitignoreAdd to the .gitignore file
add_vignetteCreate a vignette document
get_all_dependenciesGet all external dependencies
get_all_functionsList all functions in the package
get_licensesList all available licenses
get_minimal_r_versionGet required minimal R version
new_compendiumCreate an R compendium structure
new_packageCreate an R package structure
rcompendium-packageCreate a package or research compendium structure
refreshRefresh a package/research compendium
set_credentialsStore credentials to the .Rprofile
FRBCesab/rcompendium documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 9:38 p.m.