Man pages for FedericoGarza/linearspectestr
Linear Specification Testing

dominguez_lobato_testTests the specification of a linear model using...
plot_dl_testPlots the Dominguez-Lobato test.
plot_reset_testPlot the reset test.
presidualsCalculates the accumulated distribution of residuals at each...
reset_testReset test. Tests the specification of a linear model adding...
rmammen_contRandom deviates of Mammen continuous distribution.
rmammen_pointRandom deviates of Mammen distribution.
rrademacherRandom deviates of Rademacher distribution.
statistic_valueCalculates the Cramer von Mises value or Kolmogorov value...
updated_modelConstructs a new model with noised residuals: y_new =...
wald_testWald test. Tests restrictions*coefficients = value.
FedericoGarza/linearspectestr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 5:39 a.m.